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Founder Lawrence Leung has travelled through Europe and in Asia, including the DPRK (they aren’t wild about being called “North Korea”), Kiruna (Sweden’s northernmost town in the Arctic Circle) and the Baltic States. He is a backpacker who enjoys staying in hostels and making new friends. What bugs him, though, is when people tell him that they enjoy shopping in Hong Kong… and that it’s all they’ve done.

After registering as a tour guide at the government, Lawrence decided to start his own service in Hong Kong to better introduce people to his favourite city. So when you come on a VF tour, be ready to hear some history mixed with plenty of personal comments and experiences—in a Hong Kong accent!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Participation in tours promoted by ViewFindrs is strictly on a voluntary basis. Neither ViewFindrs, nor the self-employed freelance guides who are the providers of the tours promoted by ViewFindrs will be held responsible in any way for injuries to body and property incurred during tours. The tour guides reserve the right to deny participation in any tour, to any person, for any reason. Thank you for understanding.

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